Establishing the reputation of your eCommerce store takes considerable time and effort, so it is only logical to invest in every opportunity to ensure that you can continue to deliver the outstanding customer service for which your brand is known. An innovative eCommerce platform such as Magento can help you to connect with customers and transform casual website visits into revenue, but it’s vital that you stay abreast of change and upgrade Magento to the latest version to sustain optimum functionality. If you’re an existing user, to upgrade Magento 1 to Magento 2 doesn’t need to be an inconvenience, particularly if you entrust the process to our expert engineers at MDOQ.

Why Upgrade To Magento 2?

Magento 1 was an excellent platform for its time, but sticking with it in 2022, rather than updating to Magento 2, is one of the worst business decisions that you could make for your eCommerce store, for several reasons:

1) Your Business May Be More Vulnerable To Cyberattack.

Adobe offers regular cybersecurity updates for its Magento 2 platform that are designed to counter the efforts of criminals that aim to penetrate eCommerce businesses like yours and wreak havoc. Support for Magento 1, however, has long since ceased, so new security flaws and bugs remain unaddressed, providing a window of opportunity for cybercriminals to disrupt your business. It’s a gamble that simply isn’t worth the risk to your revenues, your customers, and your reputation.

2) Your E-Commerce Store Could Underperform.

Without regular updates, your store will fail to run smoothly by continuing with Magento 1. Updates for Magento 2 not only offer the latest security patches, but also new tools and features in addition to infrastructure enhancements to optimise the performance of the store. Magento 1, without regular upgrades and support, is likely to experience operational problems over time, such as running slowly or suffering from software bugs. Customers may be deterred from purchasing from your business if your competitors are using a more up-to-date platform that is faster and more responsive.

3) Third-Party Extensions May Cease To Work.

There are eCommerce Magento users that rely on third-party extensions to optimise the capabilities of their store. However, with most users upgrading to Magento 2, the developers of third-party extensions are no longer providing updates or support following Adobe’s decision to cease Magento 1 support. This means that you will likely encounter difficulties using third-party extensions, whereas upgrading to Magento 2 will give you access to a wealth of new extensions that are backed by ongoing vendor support.

4) It Will Be Difficult (And Expensive) To Access Magento 1 Support.

Finally, the Magento platform works best when you entrust its management to a team of experienced engineers. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find Magento 1 engineers as most are now focused on providing Magento 2 support and, should you be lucky enough to identify one, the chances are you’ll be charged extortionate fees. Upgrading to Magento 2 will give you access to the latest tools and features, with professional expert support on-hand whenever you need.